Keep It Clean Detailing Guide Blog
Why Polish Car Paint and Why You'll Never Not Polish Again
For car detailing enthusiasts, polishing is a must in any detailing regimen. For most car owners, on the other hand, polishing is often neglected and overshadowed by waxing, but is by far the most beneficial step in maintaining the pristine appearance of your car's paint finish.
Although polishing produces the majority of tangible results in car paint maintenance, it is often neglected because its intended purpose is not understood or it’s seen as an unnecessary step. Because polishes p
2nd Mar 2018
How to Prevent Swirl Marks on Car | nextzett USA
Are you in a constant battle trying to eliminate swirl marks (sometimes called spider webs) and scratches from ruining the look of your car's paint finish? Instead of always trying to fix the problem, let's try and prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. After all they just don't appear by themselves. The reality is, those swirl marks and scratches are due to the action of car owners.
So here are some simple Do's and Don'ts to stop these swirl marks and scratches from app
12th Feb 2018