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Nextzett USA Kart Racing Sponsorship Terms and Conditions

  1. Eligibility: This sponsorship is open to individuals actively participating in go kart racing. Applicants under the age of 18 must have consent from a parent or legal guardian to participate.
  2. Application Process: To be considered for sponsorship, applicants must complete the sponsorship application form in its entirety and submit any required supporting documents. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  3. Selection Criteria: Sponsorship recipients will be selected based on their racing performance, sportsmanship, alignment with brand values, social media presence, and potential to positively represent the Nextzett USA brand.
  4. Sponsorship Benefits: The primary benefit of the sponsorship provided by Nextzett USA will be the supply of Nextzett products suitable for go kart racing and maintenance. Specific products and quantities will be determined according to the needs of the sponsee and the discretion of Nextzett USA. These products are intended to support the sponsee's racing activities and promote the use of high-quality Nextzett products in competitive racing environments.
  5. Sponsorship Period: The duration of the sponsorship will be specified in the individual sponsorship agreement. Both parties must agree to any extensions of the sponsorship term.
  6. Obligations of the Sponsee:
    • The sponsee agrees to use Nextzett USA products exclusively where applicable and to visibly display the Nextzett USA logo on their go-kart and racing attire.
    • The sponsee commits to participating in promotional activities, including but not limited to, social media promotion.
    • The sponsee must provide regular updates on their racing activities and results, including photographs and video content that may be used for promotional purposes.
  7. Intellectual Property: The sponsee grants Nextzett USA the right to use their name, image, and racing footage in promotional materials and for commercial purposes. These rights remain in effect for the duration of the sponsorship and for a period of one racing season after its conclusion.
  8. Termination: The sponsorship may be terminated by either party with written notice if there is a breach of terms, failure to perform agreed obligations, or if the sponsee engages in conduct that could damage the reputation of Nextzett USA.
  9. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep any proprietary information exchanged during the sponsorship period confidential unless disclosure is required by law or agreed upon in writing.
  10. Indemnification: The sponsee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Nextzett USA from any claims, damages, or expenses arising from their activities related to the sponsorship.
  11. Status of the Sponsee: The sponsee is not an employee, agent, or legal representative of Nextzett USA. This sponsorship is a business-to-individual support agreement and does not create an employment relationship between the sponsee and Nextzett USA. The sponsee shall not be entitled to any employee benefits, nor shall Nextzett USA be responsible for withholding taxes or other employment-related fees on behalf of the sponsee.
  12. Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Texas in which Nextzett USA is headquartered.
  13. Acceptance of Terms: By submitting the application for this sponsorship, the applicant acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

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